A Sanctuary for Saints and Sinners in Need of a Saviour. Luke 18:9-14
A Sanctuary for Saints and Sinners in Need of a Saviour. Luke 18:9-14
2 Peter 1:20-21
"20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
I Corinthians 12:7-11
"7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. "
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – September 8th, 2024
Even as I chose Matthias My servant to replace Judas who sold Me out, I’m raising up preachers, Christian preachers, teachers, prophets, evangelists, who will not sell Me out, nor will they touch My glory, as if they could share it with Me, for I share My glory with no man. I will raise them up, says the Lord, even as I have raised them up, says the Lord, I will continue to raise them up to replace those who have sold Me out, those preachers, those teachers, those evangelists, those prophets who have sold Me out for money, who have merchandised Me for gain, for personal gain. Many are presently dead now, their ministries are dead, they are no more and they will be replaced, they will be replaced and replaced and replaced. For many have sold Me out, many Christian prophets, preachers, teachers evangelists have sold Me out. They will be replaced by those who I have been raising up and will continue to raise up.
Great falling away is taking place and will continue to take place by the preachers, the Christian preachers who have merchandised Me and have made merchandise of Me, who sold Me out. A generation of preachers and teachers and evangelists and prophets will replace them, they will not sell Me out. They will obey Me in everything.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – August 18th, 2024
Beware of those who make a big show of Me, big celebration of Me. For they did the same thing, they praised and celebrated the prophets, prophets of old, they celebrated them for their glory, not My glory. They turned My house into a marketplace, My house of prayer into a marketplace, a place of merchandising. A place that I ordained as a house of prayer was turned into a marketplace. Beware of those who speak well of you, for they did same thing for the false prophets. Oh, great celebration, on the outside great celebrations, sacrifices, burnt offerings, but they weren’t for Me, says the Lord. They were for profit, for the more they sacrificed the more money they made. Everything on the exterior looks great, but on the inside, dead mans bones. They celebrate Me like I’m dead, but I’m not dead says the Lord, I’m alive. Many are celebrating Me like I’m dead, but I’m alive.
All I require is that you be obedient to My word. All I require is that Christians be obedient to My word. If you truly love Me, says the Lord, you would obey My word. Celebrations without obedience equals disobedience, says the Lord. I’m a good God, but I’m not to be celebrated in vain. I share My glory with no man. Many are merchandising Me for profit, says the Lord, for their own profit. I see everything says the Lord, I see the withholding, I see the withholding says the Lord. Even as Ananias and Sapphira withheld what was due Me, and My church, did I not judge Ananias and Sapphira? I will judge all that lie to My Holy Spirit, that lie to My servants, I’m a just God, I’m a just God. Saying we’re doing one thing, but doing another. Saying we’re giving it all, but we’re withholding.
If you love Me says the Lord, be obedient, if you love Me, you would be obedient, at all times, in every situation. That’s how the world is going to see, it’s by your love and your obedience that follows your love for Me. How can the world see when the god of this world has blinded their eyes, blinded the sons of disobedience? They’re going to see it by you being obedient, Christian. They’re going to see it by you being loving, they’re going that you love your God because you’re obedient to Me. I sent My Holy Spirit, I sent My Holy Spirit to strengthen you, to help you to walk in love, to help you obey My word. I sent the Helper, He didn’t come and go, He came and stayed and He’s there to help you in every situation that you’re in, call upon Him, call upon My Holy Spirit, call upon My Son, call upon the Name of Jesus, call upon the name that is above every name, for My name is above every name. There is no name above My name, the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that I’m Lord to the glory of God the Father.
You're being tested, so many Christians are being tested by Me, to see the love that you have for Me, to reveal the love you have by your obedience to Me. So beware of those who say they love Me but they don’t obey Me, many say they love Me but they don’t obey Me. That shows you the truth of their love towards Me, says the Lord. I want your obedience today says the Lord, I want the obedience in My house, in the church, in all the churches that call upon My name, I want obedience. I don’t want your sacrifice, I want your obedience because by your obedience it will reveal your love for Me. Obey Me in all things, at all times, in every situation, call upon Me and I’ll strengthen you to obey Me, always. I don’t fail, My Holy Spirit doesn’t fail, My Father in heaven, My Father in heaven does not fail, He’s not a failure, He’s not dead, He rose from the dead, didn’t leave us as orphans, sent the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, sent the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Shout it from the roof tops wherever you go this week, shout it from the rooftops, shout it from the rooftops, don’t be ashamed, obey Me, says the Lord, obey Me, obey Me in everything, everything, everything, everything. Obey Me, love Me, says the Lord. Because this is how the world is going to know you love Me, is by your obedience.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – August 11th, 2024
Didn’t I say that I inhabit the praises of My people? Didn’t I say that I inhabit your praises? Can’t you feel things shift when you worship Me? Can’t you sense things in the spirit realm shift when you worship Me? Can’t you sense that the heaven’s open when you worship Me? Worship Me in Spirit and in truth, worship Me in the Holy Ghost and the Word.
Don’t be moved when you see the adversary coming against you with heaviness and despair trying to cover the atmosphere. I am who am in you is greater than he who is in the world, who is trying to cloak the atmosphere with heaviness and despair, even though the sun is shining and the skies are blue, and yet there is heaviness.
But there is breakthrough, there is breakthrough. As you set your eyes on Me as you lift Me up, I come and I clear the heavens, I open up the heavenly realm and the devil cannot stay in My presence, he must flee. So worship Me in Spirit, worship Me in the Holy Ghost, worship Me in My truth and in My word, and watch Me work on your behalf, says the Lord. Watch Me do the work, for the devil cannot stay when I show up, when I inhabit the praises of My children, My kids, who are loving on Me, who are blessing Me who are adoring Me, who are adoring the Father, who are allowing My Holy Spirit to move mightily in their midst. I’m not mocked, I show up when My kids call, I show up when My kids call, I show up, I show up, I show up, I show up. I show Myself mighty to save, I show myself mighty to save.
So let it be a standard when you feel the heaviness in the atmosphere when you feel the heaviness in the spirit, just lift up your hands and start worshipping Me, start praising Me, start giving Me glory and watch Me show up, because I hear the cry of My children I hear their voices when they cry out to Me.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – August 4th, 2024
So many, so many disrespect Me, says the Lord, so many mock Me, says the Lord. But don’t be deceived, I’m not mocked. That what they sow, that will they reap. So when you are persecuted because of Me; rejoice, be happy, sing songs, worship Me in Spirit and in truth and I will strengthen you in times of persecution. Fear Me, says the Lord, respect Me, show reverence for Me, says the Lord. Don’t fear man, don’t fear man, fear Me says the Lord. I’m the one that can send you to hell. I’m the one who has the power to take you to heaven but I also have the power to send you to hell. I’m not mocked today, says the Lord.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, laugh all you want, laugh at My servants, mock them, go ahead, but I’m not mocked. I have the last say, says the Lord on your eternal existence. I’m the one that you’ll be standing before at the Great White Throne Judgment before I cast you into hell. It might be a good time to repent, make Me Lord of your life, make the One that you’re mocking, Lord of your life. It’s not My will that anyone perish but that all come to repentance.
Oh you say, we got away with it, no, you didn’t get away with anything, says the Lord. You might get away with it on earth but you don’t get away with it in heaven. You don’t get away with it when you stand before Me and have to give an account for your life. I have the final say, says the Lord. The blood that you shed on earth, you’ll have to be accountable for in heaven. You’ll have to be accountable when you stand before Me. I have the final say, I’m not mocked. I am not mocked. When you mock My servants, you mock Me. When you kill My servants on earth because of Me, I have the final say at the Great White Throne Judgment. What you get away with here, you don’t get away with there. So now would be a good time to repent of all your murders, all your murders with your mouth even, all the mockery and murders that you’ve done with your mouth about My servants. Time to repent because you’ll have to give an account for every idle word that you speak against My servants. You’ll have to stand before Me and give an account for every single word, says the Lord.
It might be a good time to reconsider your ways, reconsider your ways, says the Lord. Just as I warned Cain. I told him he needs to deal with the anger problem. It’s time for you to deal with the anger that causes you to mock My servants, before your anger turns into an action that leads to a murder. Deal with it now, deal with it now, says the Lord. You can deal with it now, or deal with it when you stand before Me and have to give an account.
I see the wagging tongues, says the Lord. I see the wagging tongue, I see the shaking of the head, I see the rolling of the eyes. A day is coming when you’re going to have to give an account for the rolling of your eyes, for the wagging of your tongue, for the anger within, for what’s been spoken out. Had Cain obeyed Me he wouldn’t have killed his brother. There are so many that are murdering their Christian brothers and sisters with their mouths because what they’re offering before Me, is good, and yours I have rejected because of your disobedience. They stand before Me with clean hands and a pure heart, but you don’t stand before Me clean and pure. You have your hearts full murder, strife, envy, backbiting, don’t let it lead to an action says the Lord. Don’t stand before Me with murder on your hands, stand before Me with clean hands and a pure heart.
It’s not My will that anyone perish but that all come to repentance. All the innocent blood that has been slain, all the innocent blood that has been slain cries out to Me, says the Lord, for justice, and I hear their voice just as I heard Abel’s voice, I hear their voices loud and clear, loud and clear. And I will avenge them says the Lord. I will avenge the innocent blood that’s been slain. A little bit of leaven, leavens the whole lump eventually. It’s time to get rid of the leaven. Time to get rid of the hatred, time to get rid of the anger, time to get rid of the jealous, all the envy, time to replace it with love. Walk upright with Me today. No one is getting away with anything, says the Lord, that goes contrary to My word. No one is getting away with anything. Every man will stand before Me some day, every woman will stand before Me some day and have to give account for every idle word that’s been spoken against My servants, every idle word spoken they will have to give an account for, every idle word. It’s all on record says the Lord. So repent, repent, repent.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard - July 7th, 2024
Intercession is needed for the saints. Pray like never before, pray without ceasing. Pray without ceasing, seek My face, pray for the saints, pray for the brothers and sisters that are being persecuted. Pray like never before. Pray at all times in every situation that you’re in, pray, pray, pray. Is it not written My word that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman avails much? You are righteous because of My blood, you are righteous today because of the Holy Spirit that lives in you. You have been made the righteousness of God, in Me.
Did I not say in My word that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to you to cast out devils, to cast out devils? So cast out devils, speak in new tongues, lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Is that not written in My word? Will I not watch over My word to perform it when you step out and do exactly what My word says to do?
Lay all reason down today, lay all the rational down, walk in the Spirit, don’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh, walk in the Spirit at all times and every situation that you’re in and I will prosper the work that you do. The works of the flesh will profit you nothing but sorrow all the days of your life, but the works of My Spirit will prosper you in My life, says the Lord, eternal life, eternity with Me. Work towards that, work towards that, work in My harvest, work, work, work, pray, pray, pray.
Pray without ceasing, at all times, pray in the Spirit, pray in tongues, don’t lean unto your own understanding, just pray in tongues, seek Me out, seek Me out early while I may be found. In the middle of the night when I wake you up, pray in tongues. Seek Me out, now is the time to seek the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness, then everything else is added unto you. Seek the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness and everything else will be added unto you. My word says, be anxious for nothing but in everything with supplication make your requests know unto Me, Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, then the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Me, Christ Jesus, in Jesus, in Jesus, in Jesus. Pray, pray, pray.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – June 9th, 2024
I’ve not called you as Christians who hate your persecutors, but rather, love them as I love them. This is how they will know you are My disciples, is by your love, not by your hatred and anger in speech. Pray for those who persecute you, who spitefully use you, who undermine you and speak all kinds of evil against you. Bless them, bless them, bless them, bless them. Is My arm too short that I can’t save your persecutors? Is My power too weak that I can’t change their hearts? Refrain from speaking evil, refrain from speaking at all, just pray, pray for those that persecute you.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – May 19th, 2024
When the door is closed and the door is locked, many will come pounding on those doors and say, open up, open up, open up. But the doors will be shut. Today is the day of salvation, don’t wait any longer to make Me Lord of your life, says the Lord Jesus Christ. I am giving you and I have given you every every opportunity to make Me Lord.
And yet you are chasing the things of the world, you love the world, you love the things of world, you love the things of the eye, you love the things of the flesh, and oh yes, you say you love Me, but have you taken up your cross to follow Me? And when I come and you’re going to be pounding on the door saying, open up, open up, let me in, let me in. And I will say, the door is shut.
Today is the day of salvation. I am tarrying long, I’m tarrying long and yet My return is at hand, My return is at hand to take My church. And yet I am long suffering not willing that any perish but that all come to repentance. So I say to you today is the day of repentance. If you hear this today and you hear My voice today, knocking at your hearts door bringing conviction of sin, I say to repent. For the days are short.
You don’t know your days, you don’t know the hours, you don’t know your length of life, today is the day of salvation, today is the day of salvation. Do not love the things of the world, do not love the things of the world, don’t set your affections on them, walk straight and narrow, walk in the straight and narrow path and take up you cross and follow me. Follow Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and I will watch over My word to perform it in your life. Today is that day, today is that day to be saved.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – April 28th, 2024
If you’re offended today because of the preaching of the gospel, everything is normal. The preaching of My gospel is offensive to those that are perishing. The spirit of offence has kept many out of church today, the spirit of offence has caused many a Christian to not be in fellowship in church today. So where there is a spirit of offence there needs to be a spirit of repentance. Ask Me to forgive you says the Lord and I will forgive you, I will forgive you, I will restore you. How can you not love your brother who you have seen, and love Me who you have not seen?
Oh yes, you proclaim My name, say, ‘I’m a Christian’, but you can’t love your brother or sister who you have seen. Give up all offence today, give up all spirit of offence, give it up, give it up to Me, says the Lord, I’ll bless you, I’ll strengthen you, I’ll encourage you, even if you’re not forgiven, I’ll forgive you. Even if men and women don’t forgive you, I forgive you, says the Lord. When you repent to Me, I forgive and I forget as far as the east is from the west, I don’t remember your sins against you says the Lord.
Who will stand in My presence is he or she who has clean hands and a pure heart. You can’t stand before Me with offence in your heart, it’s hard for you to even pray with offence in your heart. All the more reason to forgive. Lay all the offences at My feet says the Lord. Did I not say in My word that when a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies at peace with him? There are many, many, many that strive with you today, many, many, many enemies of the cross. Forgive your enemies, bless those that persecute you, don’t hold it against them, forgive those that speak evil of you, pray for them, pray for the understanding of who I am might be found in them, that the understanding of who I am and that the understanding of My Holy Spirit would be found in them, that they would be born again of My Spirit, says the Lord.
Don’t give up praying for your enemies, don’t give up praying for those that are offended with the preaching of the gospel. Everything is normal. Commit all those that you have enmity in your heart with to Me today. Commit all those that are at enmity with you to Me today. Walk in what My word says, forgive, forgive and you shall be forgiven. It’s not My will that anyone should perish but that all would come to repentance, it’s not My will that those that are at enmity with you spend an eternity separated from Me. It’s My will that they simply repent. So pray, pray, pray for all your enemies and watch Me pour out My Holy Spirit upon their lives, watch Me pour out My Holy Spirit upon them and I will make them at peace with you because when you please Me, I will make your enemies at peace with you. When they’re offended, they’re not offended with you, they’re offended with Me, says the Lord, don’t take it personally, let it go and let the Holy Ghost move. I’ll watch over My word to perform it.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – April 21st, 2024
Yes you will see Me face to face, says the Lord. You will see Me face to face. They are not just nice words that you sing, nice words that you read. Didn’t I say that if I go I will come again? Didn’t I say that I would go and in My Father’s house there are many mansions and I’m going to prepare a place for you that where I am you will be with Me also? It’s not just a myth, it’s not just talk, it’s not just ‘I hope so, I wish so’, no you will see Me, you will see Me face to face.
When I was resurrected, I was resurrected with a body and bones, didn’t I eat, didn’t My disciples touch Me, didn’t they embrace Me, didn’t they see Me and know Me before I ascended to heaven? This is the blessed hope that Paul talked about. Encourage yourselves, stir up one another.
Yes the days are dark, but aren’t I brighter? I am the bright and morning star, I am the rose of Sharon, I am the blessed hope that you are waiting for and you will see My face, you will see Me face to face when I receive you to Myself. So encourage yourselves today, build yourselves up today in that most holy faith, in that promise that I’ve spoken to you, that you’re not orphans, I have not left you, I am with you now in the power of the Holy Ghost, but then you will see Me face to face. For now though, you look through a mirror dimly, but then you shall see Me face to face. For the spirit realm is as natural and evident as the physical realm that you’re living in. But in Me there is no difference. You will see My face, you will behold Me, you will look upon Me. So encourage yourselves today, trust in Me, trust in Me with all your heart, don’t lean on your own understanding today, trust Me, I keep My promises, My word is true and settled in heaven, says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – March 24th, 2024
Would you trample the voice of the prophet under your feet today? Would you mock the God of Israel and trample Him under your feet today? Is My word one way and then another? Oh, yes you say He’s flipped His lid, He’s lost His mind, He’s over the top, He needs care. I haven’t given you this day a spirit of fear, but one of love, of power and a sound mind. I don’t flip My lid says the Lord, I don’t loose My mind and I don’t walk in fear. I’m the peace giver, I’m not the fear giver, I’m the peace giver to the ones who have no soundness of mind. I’m the strength giver to the one who has not strength, I’m the joy giver to the one who has no joy. I make you secure today in My word, My word is truth, you can stand on it. But don’t trample it under your feet, don’t trample My word under your feet today.
I see everything says the Lord, I see what goes on inside the hearts, I see what comes out of the mouths. I see everything says the Lord, nothing escapes Me. You say you have no need of Me today, now who’s really flipped their lid? You without a sound mind today, you have need of a sound mind today and reject My word, now who has flipped their lid, who is not of a sound mind? If My word is your only healing today and you reject it, if you reject it and trample it under your feet and mock it behind My back, you will receive no healing.
I’m a good God, I know what is good for My children, My plans and purposes are to do you good all the days of your life, don’t not stop believing in My word. Don’t not stop reading My Bible. Strengthen yourselves in My word today, strengthen yourselves today; body, soul, spirit man, be strengthened in My word today. Don’t look to the things of this world to bring that satisfaction, it’s only temporary when it comes from the world, find it in My Bible, find it in My word, I’ll watch over it to perform it in your lives, only believe and you’ll see My goodness.
Prophecy by Marjorie – March 10th, 2024
I’m not slack, I’m not slack concerning My promises, I’m not slack as some say that I am slack concerning My promises. I am always on time, I never miss a beat, I never miss a step, I never miss a moment, I never miss one dot or one crossing of the T. I don’t miss anything and I’m not slack concerning My promises.
So don’t think I’m slack regarding your prayers, don’t think that I’m slack and do not hear your prayers. For I hear your prayers, I hear your supplications and I am not slow and I am not slack. My timing is perfect in all things, My timing is perfect in all things. So don’t consider that I am slack, don’t consider, don’t take thought, don’t listen to the lies of the devil that I’m slack. Don’t listen to the lies of the adversary that I am slack and that I am slow in hearing your prayers and supplications. I deliver My word always on time, My promises are always yes and amen. Don’t consider Me slack as the world considers Me slack. For I am not slack concerning My promises says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – February 11th, 2024
Are you about My business today? My business. My kingdom business or are you about your own business with your minds on things below and on those things that perish and rust and decay and are no more? Are you seeking your healing from the physician today instead of seeking Me for your healing? I am the Lord your God that heals you, I sent My word to heal them all, and that includes you. Have you believed the lie that the devil has sown that suffering in your body is from Me, that I am the author of suffering in your body today? That’s not who I am, I don’t afflict you with suffering. I don’t put sickness and disease on you, on My children. I am the Lord God that heals you, not afflicts you with suffering. It goes against who I am, it goes against My word that I’ve spoken.
My grace is sufficient for you in every situation that you face but don’t believe the lie that I have afflicted you with those problems. The thief comes to rob, kill and destroy, the devil, to rob from you. Don’t give the devil credit today. Don’t believe his lies. My grace is sufficient for you today in every situation that you face. There is nothing that satan can throw at you that My grace will not be sufficient for you to stand.
Even as My servant Paul was stoned to death, did I not raise him up? Did I not surround him with the prayers of the saints? Did I not raise him up and did he not continue on in his call, in his mission and in his service for Me, says the Lord? Is there anything too difficult for Me? Don’t allow anyone or anything or any person or any doctor, anyone to distract you from the call on your life. Don’t allow it. Fulfill the call, fulfill the election, fulfill the dreams that I’ve deposited in you. Tell the devil to get behind you, tell him to get behind, in My name to get behind you, remove him from in front of you. Remove him, he must go in My name. Speak, speak My word, remove him, pray the prayers of faith. The saints prayed the prayers of faith over My servant Paul and rose him up when he was declared dead.
No matter you suffer for My name, for My name’s sake, for the ministry for the call on your life, My grace is sufficient for you. I am not the one afflicting you in your time of preaching, I am not the one that’s afflicting you in your ministry, I am not the one who is afflicting you, that would be the works of satan, not of Me. The god of this world who works through people to afflict the ministers of the gospel of My name. So see it for what it is and tell the devil to get behind you.
My grace is sufficient for you to stand when no one else is standing with you. My grace is sufficient. Don’t believe the lie that I have afflicted you today or that I’m going to afflict you tomorrow, and whatever comes your way regarding the ministry is of My doing, no, don’t believe the lies of the devil. It’s his doing, let the blame to be put where it needs to be put, truthfully. He’s the father of lies, there’s no truth in him. So next time he afflicts your ministry, tell him to get behind you in My name. Don’t let him take the lead, don’t let him take your lead, don’t let him run the show, don’t let him run the ministry, don’t let the ministry evolve around satan. Don’t let your Christian ministry evolve around the afflictions of the devil.
My grace is sufficient for you to stand when it’s impossible for you to stand. So stand, bind the devil, kick him out of your life in My name. I’ve given you authority, I’ve given you grace to stand and bind his powers, his principalities, his rulers that he’s assigned to you. Remove them from in front of you and command them to get behind you today, tomorrow, the next day, every day. I’ll watch over My word perform it, just speak it.
I’m the head, not the devil, I’m the head over the ministry, not the devil, I’m the head over your life Christian, not the devil. He’s behind you, not in front of you, that’s his position, he’s to be behind you not in front of you, he’s to be the last, not the first in your ministry. Don’t give him room to roam in your life, don’t give him room, as soon as he manifests cast him out. Cast him out, cast him out, cast him out, he has to go in My name, the name that’s above all names, the name of Jesus, that every knee is going to bow to and every tongue is going to confess that I am Lord to the glory of God the Father.
So strengthen the weary hands that hang down, strengthen them in My word. Strengthen your body that’s afflicted, in My word. Strengthen yourself in My word, My word is a more sure word of prophecy today than all the words spoken by you, My word is prophecy, My Bible is prophecy, My holy scriptures are true. Speak My word to every affliction in your life, stand in My grace and strength and speak My word.
I’ll raise up what looks dead, that’s what I’ll do, I’ll raise up ministry that looks dead. I’ll raise it up. No matter the stones that are thrown against you, I’ll raise you up says the Lord. When it’s impossible to get up, I’ll raise you up, not for your glory but for My glory. So continue in My word, don’t stop speaking My word to the devil, My word is a double-edged sword, use it, use it against the works of satan. He has to bow to My spoken word, he has no authority over My spoken word.
Keep in mind today that I cast him out of heaven, I saw him fall like a lightning bolt, I know his place I know his position and it’s not to be afflicting you with fear, doubt and unbelief. His position is under your feet in a place of defeat. That’s where his place is today. Church, that’s where his place is today. Church, under your feet in a place of defeat, defeated because of what I did on the cross, defeated because of the blood that I shed, defeated, defeated, defeated foe for eternity, for eternity, for eternity, defeated, defeated, destine for the lake of fire for eternity.
Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up in My name the name, the name’s that above all names and you will do great exploits in My name. You’ll fulfill the call, it won’t be cut short. You will fulfill the call you will fulfill the election in your life, the work that I began in you, the good work I’m going to complete, the devil is not going to complete or bring to an end the work that I’m doing, he’s not going to cut it short. Don’t let him, don’t let him in, keep him behind you in My name.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – February 4th, 2024
So much racket, so many voices, so much noise, so much racket. So many voices calling My people here, there and everywhere, except into My presence. So much noise, so much loudness, so many stories, so many words, so many ideas, so many things that are distracting My church. Noise of this, that and the other that is going on in the world. And yes, the devils noise is deafening, but to those that know Me there is a secret place, there is that quiet place of rest. And that’s where I want you to be today, as My church, I want you to be in that quiet place, hidden under the shadow of My wings, hidden in My presence, hidden in My glory, hidden in who I am for you. I will protect you from the voices, from the words, from the racket of the world because that’s what adversary is doing in these days, creating noise to distract My church.
Your hearts cry should be; come, come, come My Jesus. That’s what your hearts cry should be as it’s been through the centuries with My church. It wasn’t just for the early church, it’s for the last days church, it’s for the church that you’re living in right now. Your heart, your focus should be on My return, dead to self, dead to the world, dead to the racket, dead to the noise, dead to the distractions that are trying to rob you of your faith and rob you of what you’re to stand on.
Hide in My presence, hide in My word, for in My presence there is fullness of joy and at My right hand there are pleasures forever more. Let it be your heart-cry My church, that I come, your prayers avail much. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, steadfast on Me and shut out the racket, shut out the yelling and the voices and the decibels that are blowing people away because of their deafening sound and hide yourself in My presence, in quietness and peace. For that’s where your strength is, built on the solid rock of My word, says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – January 21st, 2024
Am I not sufficient for you today? Am I not sufficient for you today, says the Lord? Am I not your all in all? Set your mind on Me, the author and finisher of your faith, don’t look to the left, don’t look to the right. Walk a straight and narrow road. Greater is He – Me – in you than he – the devil – that’s in this world. Don’t follow everyone who says, they believe in Me, because even the devil believes in Me and his knees are still knocking to this day because he will be judged. Set your mind on those things that are above, not on things below where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. Greater is He that’s in you than he that’s in the world today, greater is Me that’s in you than the devil that’s in this world. I overcame the devil by the blood that I shed on the cross, he’s a defeated foe, past tense, defeated, defeated, defeated. Walk in My victory today, says the Lord, the Victorious One, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
Stop setting your affections on things that are going to be left behind. I’ll supply all your needs according to My glory and riches, not your glory and riches, My glory and riches. Look to My glory and riches for your provision today. Don’t worry about tomorrow, did I not say in My word to not worry about tomorrow? For tomorrow has enough cares of it’s own. Today, the cares of today are sufficient enough. Did I not say in My word, consider the lilies of the field, and consider the birds of the air? They don’t toil, they don’t spin, but your heavenly Father looks after the birds of the air, He feeds them, and even Solomon, so rich, so rich like never before, rich in this world, King Solomon was not arrayed like the flowers in the fields because I arrayed them, says the Lord, I made them beautiful, says the Lord, not with the arm of flesh.
So many arms of the flesh involved in My church today, so many arms of the flesh. Trying to figure out My provision for the future, that’s My job, that’s My glory and riches. Look to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith, I’ll never leave you, I’ll never forsake you. Your own family members will leave you, your own family members will forsake you, but I’ll never forsake you, the Lord of Hosts, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the End.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. When you are walking in righteousness and peace and joy in My Holy Spirit, your prayers avail much. Don’t cease from praying, don’t believe the lies of the devil that are saying that I don’t answer your prayers. Even as I answered the prayers the saints in the book of Acts, I’ll answer your prayers today. I’m no respecter of persons, says the Lord. I don’t look at the outside, I look at the inside, I don’t look at the exterior, I look at the inside, I don’t look at what your driving, I look at the inside, I don’t look at what your wearing, I look at the inside, I don’t look at the jewellery, the beautiful exterior, I look at the interior, not the exterior, I look at what’s going on inside you today, says the Lord.
That’s what is going to stand when all hell breaks out, that’s what’s going to stand when the devil gives your his best shot, it’s what’s inside you; what your meditating on, that’s why I say to you, meditate on My word, day and night, day and night, you’ll be like a tree planted by the streams of water yielding it’s fruit in it’s season. I look forward to the fruit that you yield in season. I delight in seeing the fruit of My Holy Spirit working in you and through you in the lives of many around you. So continue in the good works, continue in the great works of charity, continue in the great works of preaching My gospel, continue in the great works of laying hands on the sick, signs, wonders, miracles, continue in the great work of prayer, because I’ve said it My word and I’ll say it again, your prayers avail much, much, much, much. So don’t cease, pray at all times, in every situation, in every situation, pray, pray in tongues when you don’t know how to pray, pray in the Spirit.
That’s why I gave you My baptism, that’s why I gave you My baptism, that’s why I baptized you with the Holy Spirit and fire and with the evidence of your speaking in tongues. So pray in the Spirit at all times, you’ll never pray amiss. The arm of flesh will not even come in, it will not even take over. You don’t pray amiss when you pray in My Holy Ghost. So pray, pray, pray and don’t stop praying, pray at all times, in every situation and I’ll watch over My word to perform it in you and through you, Christian.
So stop worrying, stop fretting, stop wondering, stop caring about the future. Care about My will being established in your life, care about the day you stand before Me on judgment day and all your works are as pure gold, not wood, hay and stubble, full of fear, doubt and unbelief. Stand before Me with clean hands and a pure heart, stand before Me with gold, as I refine your works, they will be as gold.
But it’s up to you, you need to stand, you need to stand, you need to stand, you need pray, you need to pray like never before. I want to see your works not go up in smoke, I want to see your works stand My refining fire, I want to see your works as pure gold. You’ll all stand before Me at My seat of judgment some day, Christians, and I will try your works with fire. Work towards that day, work towards that day, set your mind on that day, the day you stand before Me and give account for all of your works that you did while you were on earth as a Christian. That’s a day to look forward to and that’s a day to work forward to.
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, who walk not after the flesh. Walk in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh, not in the flesh, don’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh, walk in the Spirit today. I look forward to seeing you on judgment day, I look forward to seeing your works as pure gold, I look forward to seeing what you’ve done for Me as pure gold, tried in My fire. This world is perishing but My word will endure forever.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – December 10th, 2023
Expect the suddenlys, says the Lord, expect the suddenlys. All you’ve studied in My word are the suddenlys, people weren’t expecting when I showed up. Even as on the day of Pentecost, suddenly there came a mighty sound from heaven. As Mary was going about her business, Gabriel suddenly appeared. When Zacharias was in the temple, Gabriel suddenly appeared announcing the birth of his son, John the Baptist. Expect the suddenlys. I am not a God who changes. I can suddenly do something when you least expect it, I can do something suddenly as an answer to your prayers.
Expect the suddenlys in these days. Expect the supernatural suddenlys, things that are beyond comprehension, beyond imagination, expect the suddenlys. Not just in the big things, but in the small things expect My suddenlys, answers to your prayers for My plans, My purposes to be established on earth as they are in heaven. Expect the suddenlys of what I want to do in and through My church, in and through you. Don’t limit Me, don’t limit Me, these are supernatural times, lay hold of, cling to, don’t let go of My hand and I walk the supernatural with you. I will walk the supernatural with you with suddenlys. And suddenly there was a stiring of the waters at the pool. Expect the suddenlys, it’s written throughout My word, the suddenlys. People weren’t expecting it, but I showed up, I showed up because I knew what the need was, I showed up because of My plan and My purpose. So expect My suddenlys in these days, says the Lord.
Prophecy by Tongues and Interpretation by Pastor Richard – December 3rd, 2023
I am the restrainer of all evil on the earth today, says the Lord. I’m the restrainer of all the wickedness on the earth from taking over. I will continue to restrain through My church, I will continue to prevail through My church, the gates of hell will not prevail against My church. Oh, yes they will be persecuted, yes they’ll be struck down, they will look like they’ve come to an utter end. The only end for My church is when I come to take her back to Me, when I return for My bride. That’s her end on earth, to be with Me, to feast with Me. So until I return, I am the restraining force, I am the restraining force in My church and the devil will not prevail against Me. All the plans, all the purposes of the evil empires, all the world leaders will not prevail against My church.
This is why they will persecute you Christians, you are part of the restraining of their evil, they can’t accomplish what they want to do because of your prayers in My name. Because of the authority that I gave you to bind and to loose, to bind up the devil on earth as it is in heaven and to loose on earth My will, My plans, My purposes for the church. My plans and purposes will always prevail over the schemes of the world, the flesh and the devil. So long as I have a praying church, says the Lord, so long as My church is praying, so long as My church is binding and loosing on earth as it is in heaven, there is no prevailing against it.
Oh, it looks like it’s at the end at times, oh it looks like it’s been persecuted unto death. There is no death for My church, I’m coming back for a bride that’s spotless, it’s not ready to be raptured yet, but I’m coming back when it is. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning church, keep oil in your lamps, be ready, I’m coming back, I’m coming back sooner than you think.
Don’t be alarmed about what’s going on around you, don’t be alarmed what’s going on with all the world leaders and their plans and agendas to rob, kill, destroy, build back better. I have the final say, says the Lord. I have the final say for My bride. So stand up, be strong, bind the devil, loose My will on earth as it is in heaven. Pray, pray, pray. Greater is He that is in you than he that’s in the world. No weapon formed against you is going to prosper. All the tongues that have risen up against you in judgment thou shalt condemn with your spoken word. So speak the word, condemn the spoken tongues, condemn the evil spirits, bind them in My name, bind them in the Name that’s above all names, cast them out in Jesus’ name, cast them out, cast them out, cast them out. They will not prevail.
Run the race with endurance, pressing forward to the high call that I’ve called you to, press forward, not backward, forward, not backwards, forward not backwards, head not the tail, above not beneath. It’s not always going to look like you’re the head, it’s not always going to look like you’re the head, it’s not always going to look like you’re the head, but you are. It’s not going to always feel like you’re above, it’s not always going to feel like you’re above, but you are.
Great inheritance is being prepared for you, fight the good fight of faith, do not give up, do not give up, do not bow the knee to Nero, do not bow the knee to the Nero over your life today, do not bow the knee to the politicians, to the World Economic Form, do not bow the knee. Stand up, be strong in the power of My might, do exploits, stand up, be strong and I’ll watch over My word to perform it. If they persecuted Me they’ll persecute you, but I’ll see you through right to the end, right to the end.
When you stand before Me with clean hands and a pure heart, when you see the ungodly cast into hell for eternity, the ungodly that are tormenting you now cast into hell for eternity, the ungodly that are robbing, killing and destroying your lives now cast into hell for eternity. I have the final judgment for the world, I have the final judgment for the devil, I have the final word, says the Lord. Stand up, be strong Christian, walk in My authority. Not one hair on your head falls to the ground without My consent, says the Lord. I know your final breath, I know your final days but I know this, there is no sting, there is no death, you’ll live for eternity with Me. Eternity, set your minds on things above, eternity, eternal life. Don't worry about what they do to you here on earth, set you mind on things for eternity.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – November 12th, 2023
Yes, the church is all about Me, says the Lord. It’s about Me. When you come together it’s to worship Me, it’s not for any other reason but to worship Me when you gather together. And when you gather together My word says you’re to desire to prophesy, to eagerly desire spiritual gifts, eagerly desire tongues, eagerly the giftings of the Holy Ghost.
But the church has fallen into a stupor because they’ve got their eyes off the church being about Me, but the church being about them, being all about them. Didn’t I say it’s more blessed to give than to receive? So when you come together, earnestly desire to My Spirit to move because the church is about Me, it’s about My children, My bride coming to worship Me, coming to hear from Me, coming to give of themselves. Even as every joint and muscle supplies, every joint of your body supplies for the working together of the whole; earnestly desire My gifts to be at work in you, earnestly desire to give, earnestly desire to build up and edify the body of Christ. But the body has become self-centred, it’s become self-seeking, it’s become self-indulgent, it’s become all about themselves not about Me and they’re wondering why things are as they are, why their churches are not flourishing, why their churches are dead, they don’t even desire to go to church, it’s because the church has turned itself inward and not outward desiring My gifts.
So earnestly My gifts My people, earnestly desire My gifts, earnestly, passionately seek after My gifts. For I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Don’t be discouraged what you see round about, don’t be dismayed, don’t get your eyes off of Me, don’t get your eyes off of the prize, don’t get your eyes off of finishing the race with fire, with passion, with power. Let the results be in My hands, all I’m asking you to do is to be obedient to My Holy Ghost to My Spirit who will endow you with what you have need of for the time, the place, the season, and the person that you need it for.
Don’t come to church being self-centred and self-seeking and selfish expecting to be pablum fed and have it all given to you. No, come with an attitude of gratitude, come with an attitude of giving, of giving and yielding yourself to My gifts says the Lord. For My Holy Spirit knows what the needs of every person are. Allow yourself to be a giver, endowed with the Holy Ghost to be a blessing to the body, to be a blessing to My children, to be a blessing to My bride, says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – November 5th, 2023
There are those that are called by My name, they say they are Christian, they say they are safe because of their ignorance to My word regarding to speaking in tongues. There is no safety in being ignorant to My word, says the Lord. My prophet, My preacher, spoke My word clearly, spoke My word clearly about speaking in tongues; Paul, My servant spoke clearly about speaking in tongues in the church, his commandments were clear for he spoke from Me about speaking in tongues in the church. He said to not forbid speaking in tongues in the church. So if you have not allowed tongues to be spoken in your church, or your churches, you’re not in a safe place and it’s very obvious that you’re not ignorant.
There is no safety in false teaching that grieves My Holy Spirit. There is no safety in rejecting My Holy Spirit’s gifts. Being ignorant is not safe, says the Lord. You want to know what My word says, you want to study to show yourself approved, a workman worthy. Don’t take light the words that I gave through Paul regarding speaking in tongues. Don’t take them lightly, don’t reject what he says to accommodate false teaching that keeps My people ignorant. Ignorance is not safety says the Lord. My word is very clear, clear, clear, clear about speaking in tongues, very clear that you’re not to forbid it in the church.
So obey My word today, obey My word spoken by My servant Paul who brought order to the church, who brought order to the churches about speaking in tongues. There is no safety in being ignorant about what My word says. The only safety is found in obeying what My word says. For it’s then that you truly have authority over the devil, over religious spirits that are hindering you from receiving My gift of tongues. It’s then that you have authority over the evil spirits that are in the pulpits, that are keeping you and trying so hard to keep you from speaking in tongues.
Come out, come out, come out from among them. What fellowship does Jesus, My servant Paul, My servant Peter, all My servants, what fellowship did they have with darkness? None, says the Lord of Host, none says the Holy Ghost, no fellowship with darkness. Why fellowship with those that are walking in ignorance to My word? Find those that are walking in truth. Find those that are walking in truth, fellowship with those that are preaching the full truth of My word.
Fellowship with those that don’t keep you in the dark, fellowship with those that keep you in the light, fellowship with those that keep you on a straight and narrow road, fellowship with those that want you to operate in the gifts of My Holy Spirit. Fellowship with them. You should flee from churches that are hindering and rejecting My gifts, says the Lord. You should flee from churches that are rejecting My Holy Spirits work, you should run, run, run. You should run, run, run. Run to churches that preach My full gospel, run to churches that speak in tongues, run to churches that are operating in the gifts of My Holy Spirit, for there, there is power, true Holy Ghost power available to you today to not only fill you with power but to heal you from the crown of your heads to the souls of your feet.
You can’t afford to remain ignorant says the Lord. You can't afford to remain ignorant to My word, says the Lord.
I’m going to shake every church that can be shaken. Every church that rejects My word, that rejects My Holy Spirit, that rejects speaking in tongues, I’m going to shake it. I’m separating the wheat from the chaff today, the truth from the lies today. So you need to come out from among them and be separate says the Lord, you need to come out from among churches that are rejecting My Holy Spirit, you need to come out from among them and be separate. Separate yourself to Me. Receive My Holy Spirit’s baptism, receive My power to overcome, receive.
Great, great, great shaking is coming upon the body of Christ. In the next while, a great, great shaking is coming. I will shake everything that can be shaken, says the Lord. I will expose all the lies that are taught from My pulpit says the Lord. I will expose all the corruption that has taken place behind the scenes when the preachers are not in the pulpits, I will shake what can be shaken says the Lord. I will bring to light that which is being done in darkness, says the Lord.
So all the more the need for you to come out from among the church that rejects My Holy Spirit’s baptism and be separate and be filled with My Holy Spirit, says the Lord. When they forbid you to speak in tongues in church, when they forbid My Christians to speak in tongues in church, it’s time to look for the door, it’s time to look for the door and walk out of that place and seek out a church that will allow you to walk in My gifts, says the Lord. I have so many gifts to impart unto you. Obey Me in everything and I will bless you with My Holy Spirit’s power, Holy Ghost power to overcome in every circumstance you face.
The only safe place to be is to be baptized in My Holy Spirit, says the Lord. That’s your only safe place Christian, baptized in My Holy Spirit, filled with My Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, prophesying, casting out devils, laying hands on the sick, seeing them recover. That’s the safest place you can be. Because that’s Holy Ghost power that’s needed, Holy Ghost power to overcome and you will always overcome. Safety, safety, safety, safe place, safe refuge no matter how stormy it gets, no how much persecution comes, you are safe because of the power of My Holy Spirit in you. So speak in tongues, prophecy, cast out devils, raise the dead if need be, that’s true safety, safety in My word, obeying My word. That’s the safety, that's the authority of My word, that’s the authority you’re walking in. Because all authority in heaven and earth has been given to you, to cast out devils, to speak with new tongues. Stay in the safe place, stay in the safe place, stay in the safe place. You’re going to need to be safe. Because great persecution on the body of Christ, those that are not safe will backslide. They’ll be backsliding in the pulpits, they’ll be backsliding in the pews, they’ll be backsliding in the choir, they’ll be backsliding on the mission field. The persecution is going to be great upon My body, but stay in the safe place with Me. Accept My Holy Spirit, accept My Holy Spirit. Remain in the safe house, safe place with Me.
Remain in My power, says the Lord and I’ll deliver you from the snare of the Fowler. You will not fear the terror by night. You will walk in peace and joy in My Holy Spirit, at all times in all situations, you will always walk in peace with Me when you set your mind things above and not on things below where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me, says the Lord. That’s your victory today, obey My word, receive My Holy Spirit, enter into the safe place, enter into the safe house, enter into the safe place of rest and refreshing. You will always overcome, you will be the head and not the tail, you will be above and not beneath.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – October 29th, 2023
There is no true rest and refreshing for My children who have rejected My Holy Spirit, My baptism of the Holy Spirit. Oh yes, they look for it in vacations, they look for it in food, they look for it in pleasures of entertainment, they look for it in the waters, the beaches, hot sunny beaches, exotic vacation resorts, hoping, hoping that they can be refreshed. But there is no refreshing, there is no rest without My Holy Spirits baptism.
Unless you repent and receive My Holy Spirit’s baptism you will not be resting, you will not be refreshed, it’s My only offer this day to you, be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak with new tongues, operate under the gifts of My Holy Spirit. This is where your rest and refreshing will come from.
Stop this day, stop it dead in its tracks, stop it, stop looking to the things of this world to bring you rest and refreshing. Look to My Holy Spirit, look to My baptism, look to the outpouring of My Holy Spirit that I did on the day of Pentecost. Even a I spoke though Peter My servant, what did he say, ‘repent, repent, you must repent and receive times of refreshing when you receive My Holy Spirit’, says the Lord, that’s what he said. Receive the Holy Spirit, receive the baptism of My Holy Spirit, be converted, that’s what he said, and times of refreshing would follow it.
You must repent of looking to the world for your rest. Look to Me today says the Lord, look to My Holy Spirit. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and power and you will find true rest, true rest, true rest for your weary souls. You will not find this rest anywhere else, you will not find this refreshing anywhere else, but in My Holy Spirit’s presence. Everything else is temporal, it’s passing away, passing away, even as you will pass away some day. Even as you will fade away some day, but until then, be filled with My Holy Spirit, do not reject My Holy Spirit. Do not reject My plan of rest and refreshing for you, receive it, receive it, don’t reject it. Don’t allow religious pride from hindering you to receive My baptism of My Holy Spirit. It’s exactly what you need. It’s exactly what you need what’s coming upon you in the future, it’s exactly what you need to stand in the face of persecution.
Oh, and you will be persecuted, if they persecuted Me, they’ll persecute you. If they crucified Me, they’ll crucify you. If they talked about Me, they’ll talk about you. If they slandered My name, they’ll slander yours. But you who are filled with My Holy Spirit will be refreshed, refreshed, refreshed, rested in the middle of persecution, even in the middle of your name being slandered, you will be rested and refreshed in the presence of My Holy Spirit.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – October 29th, 2023
So you wonder why you seem stagnant. You wonder why you seem to be going nowhere in your walk with Me and you wonder why nothing is life-bringing and joyful, you wonder why the Word isn’t jumping off of the pages, you wonder why there is no fulfillment, you wonder why you’ve stagnated.
Examine your hearts today, examine your hearts. Because didn’t I say that those who reject the baptism and stammering lips would go back and stumble and fall and be broken? I said that. Because that is what happens to you when you reject My prophetic word that I used Isaiah the prophet to speak. That I used Paul to reiterate, that I used all My apostles. So you wonder why your stagnant, you wonder why you can’t fight the battle, you wonder why you don’t have joy, you wonder why you have no peace, you wonder why everything in this world seems to be overtaking you and swallowing you up. Examine your hearts today and find out if it’s not because you’ve rejected My Holy Spirit. And because you have rejected My baptism, I prophesied through Isaiah that you would stumble, and fall back and that you would be broken. So humble yourself before Me, humble yourself before Me. For you will utterly fall back, stumble and will be broken.
I say fall on the Rock, which is Christ Jesus, lest the Rock, Christ Jesus fall on you and you be crushed. I’m giving you opportunity. Don’t say I didn’t know, don’t say I didn’t know that? No, you cannot say that because if you have studied anything in My word, you know that I have given you My Holy Spirit and you have wilfully turned a blind eye to the book of Acts, you’ve blindly turned a blind eye to the book of Isaiah, you’ve turned a blind eye to the book of Joel, you’ve turned a blind eye to My prophets who said these things would come.
You will not be able to stand before Me and say, I didn’t know that, you will not be able to stand before Me and say I did not know that. I have given you opportunity after opportunity to humble yourself and be like a child receive My baptism, and yes stammer in beautiful tongues, beautiful languages, that I, your Abba daddy fully understand, because I alone know the heart of man, I alone know the babblings that are coming out your spirit. I alone know these things. So don’t say that I didn’t know, because before Me when you stand before Me, you will not be able to say, Jesus I didn’t know that.
No, I’m giving you every opportunity again, and even today, today is the day of repentance, today is the day of salvation. If you hearken unto My voice, you shall be saved, you shall be saved from the wrath to come, you shall be saved from the times of tribulation that are to come. But if you reject My baptism, if you reject My salvation, if you reject so great a plan that I have for you, My word says that you will stumble, you will fall back and you will be broken. Because I’ve given you this power, I’ve given you this authority. Yes, you might say I have the hope of ruling and reigning with You, of ruling together with you Jesus. But if you reject everything that I have given to you now to overcome, now to be victorious, now to be a blessing to others, now to be able to have My gifts, the gifts of My Spirit working through you, if you reject them now, why would you think that I would grant you, if you have not been faithful in the least, how do you think that you will be faithful in much, says the Lord? Be faithful today, be faithful, humble yourselves before Me today and receive My Holy Ghost power that will enable you to overcome and that you will be a blessing to those around you.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – October 15th, 2023
When the religious leader Nicodemus came to Me, asking Me what he must do to enter the kingdom of heaven, I told him you have to become like a little child, you must be born again Nicodemus.
It’s time to shelve all of the religious intoxication that’s hindering you from speaking in stammering lips, speaking in tongues. You say, oh you sound like a child, you sound like a baby, I don’t want to sound like a child, I don’t want to sound like a baby. But I say today, take your first step and speak, speak, speak, stammer, stammering lips, stammer, speak, speak, speak. I will watch over My word to give you a fluent tongue, I will develop you in My gift says the Lord.
Did I not pour out My Spirit on My disciples in the upper room? Yes they spoke in stammering lips, the very thing that the religious leaders rejected in their intoxicated mindset, they rejected it because it was as a child, they didn’t want to become as a child. But I say to you today, unless you become as a child, you’ll not enter the kingdom of heaven. As religious as Nicodemus was, he would not enter the kingdom of heaven unless he receive Me as Lord of his life, unless he received My Holy Spirit and became born again, he would not enter into heaven.
So receive Me today, says the Lord, you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. You have to become as a little child sometimes, and take the first step, the baby steps, walk as a child, talk as a child in tongues. Oh, they don’t sound complete, they sound as though they’re stammering, but speak it, I will anoint it, I will bless it, I will give you the fluent language of tongues. Oh yes, the devil the doesn’t want you to speak with stammering lips, He wants you to think that it’s of a childish way, but I say to you today, unless you become as a child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven, unless you’re born again of My Spirit, My Holy Spirit, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Drunk with religion, so many are drunk with religion and have missed out on being filled with My Holy Spirit, drunk with religion and have missed out on speaking in tongues. Drunk with religion, intoxicated with religion, religious demons, religious spirits.
So today, yield yourself to My Holy Spirit. Become as a child in all things, submit yourself unto My Holy Spirit, submit yourself unto Me, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of your faith. I’ll watch over My word to perform it. You just speak, take those baby steps and speak. One foot in front of another, one utterance of your tongue in front of the other. You say, I sound so childish. Oh well, get your eyes off yourself today and get it on Me, the author and finisher of your faith. If I said I’d baptize you with the Holy Spirit, you need to take the first steps, you need to speak.
Religious mindsets will hinder you from receiving this truth. Get rid of the religious mindset that’s hindering you from receiving this truth today. Stop it in its tracks. Speak My word. I sent My word therefore speak it, speak My word. Stop giving it your own word, give it My word, speak to the situations in your life with My word, says the Lord. Shelve your own self today, get it out of the way, make room for Me today, make room for Me in your life.
Who cares what people think, that should be your thought today, who cares what people think. You should be concerned about what I think, says the Lord. You should be concerned about what I think, says the Lord. Get your eyes off yourself today, get your eyes off of those around you that are saying negative things about you speaking in tongues, Get your eyes off of it today. Get in the Spirit, stay in the Spirit, stay in My word, speak My word, speak My word, speak My word, speak My word, speak it like you’ve never spoken it before. Speak it, it’s truth, speak it, shout it from the rooftops, shout My word from the rooftops. Shout it, shout it in the streets, proclaim it, in the highways, in the byways, preach, preach, preach. Now is not the time to be silent says the Lord. Now is not the time to clam up and walk in fear of what people would say and think, or do. If they persecuted Me, they’ll persecute you. Now is not the time to not speak, says the Lord.
Oh, so caught up in image, religious image. Oh, what would people think, religious image. Oh, what are they going to say, religious image. Time to take that religious image down, take it down, take it down, take it down. Get rid of the religious image today, become like a child. Receive My word, the more sure word of prophecy today, tear down the religious image, tear it down, get rid of it, don’t let it manifest anymore, don’t let it grow anymore, don’t let it grow, don’t let it grow, don’t let it grow. Tear it down, tear it down, tear it down. Come to Me as a child, says the Lord, come to Me as a child. Be humble, accept My word.
2nd Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard
Don’t put your trust in this world, don’t put your trust in this world, put your trust in Me, says the Lord. I’ll deliver you of all snares of the fowler, all the deadly pestilences, all the war, all the fear, all the doubt, all the unbelief, I’ll deliver you. Just come out from among the world and be separate, separate yourself unto Me today, I’ll deliver you, I’ll keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Me, says the Lord.
No weapon formed against you will prosper, all the tongues that have risen up against you in judgment, I’ve condemned them through you by My word. Speak My word, condemn the spoken tongue, send the evil spirits back to the senders, they have to go in My name. They will not prosper. You will prosper today, they will not prosper, you will prosper. You will prosper on all sides because of My name, you will be above and not beneath, you will be the head and not the tail, the blessings of Abraham will overtake you regardless of what the world is saying, regardless of what others say. My word has the final say. I’ll watch over My word, just speak it, declare it, declare it today like you’ve never declared it before. Speak it over your situation, every trial, every temptation.
Every time the devil comes to rob, and make an attempt to kill and steal and destroy, speak My word. Take up My word against him, chase him down the road with My word, My word is going to be the final say, says the Lord. So be strong in Me today, in the power of My might, you’ll do great exploits, great exploits, great, great, great exploits in My name, the name that’s above all names. Because My name is the name that every knee is going to bow to in heaven, on the earth, under the earth. Everyone will bow to My name, the name that’s above every name, the name that’s above every name, My name, Jesus, is above every name, speak My name, use it, use it in the authority that’s been given to you, Christian. Speak My name, at My name the devil is already defeated, was defeated – past tense – defeated.
The religious, indignant spirit that’s upon My people, that call upon My name, that’s attacking them and hindering them from receiving My Holy Spirit, is defeated. It was defeated 2000 years ago, it was defeated on the cross, I defeated it, I defeated religion, I defeated the religious spirit, it is defeated, don’t tolerated it to manifest in your church, don’t tolerate it to manifest and speak into your lives. I defeated it. Walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh and I will defeat it continually and will not be able to manifest and stay there. It will not be able to grow or take root, it will not be able to flourish. I defeated it in the name that’s above all names, My name. It was defeated. Don’t allow it to grow. When it speaks, speak to it and cast it out, drive it out of your midst, don’t allow it to speak, don’t allow religion, religious indignant intoxicating spirits to speak. Cast them out in My name. I defeated it already on the cross, cast it out, cast it out, cast it out, send it down the road, drive it out, send it down the road, send the spirit down the road. Don’t allow the spirit to grow in their liv
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – September 24th, 2023
There’s a stirring of My Holy Spirit even as it was at the pool, where the blind man received his healing as he called out to me and by faith obeyed My command. I healed him. There’s a stirring of healing in here today for healing of bodies, just reach out for it, and the Lord God who heals you, will heal all your diseases. Healing is your bread today, you can partake of it freely just because you bear My name today, you are born again of My Holy Spirit. Receive My healing today in your bodies, whatever it is, how big it is how small it is, receive My healing today. Healing is your bread, freely partake of it today, in My name, the name that’s above all names, the name of Jesus.
2nd Prophecy by Pastor Richard
Is there anything too impossible for Me, says the Lord? Is it not written in My word; I am the Lord God that heals you? I heal all your diseases. If My people that are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal their land. That includes their bodies, says the Lord. So receive today My healing for your bodies, receive My anointing oil for your bodies to heal, to deliver you from fear, for I have not given you a spirit of fear but one of love, power and a sound mind. Perfect love casts out all fear today. So walk by faith, walk in perfect love in all times and in every situation and you will banish fear far from you when it raises it’s ugly head, perfect love casts out all fear today. Walk in perfect love, one with another, at all times and in every situation, walk in perfect love towards one another at all time in every situation. No matter how the devil manifests, walk in perfect love and you will see the authority of My word operated in power, in Holy Ghost power like you’ve never seen it before.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – September 24th, 2023
For many are looking for the voice to say the one thing that they’re looking for, but I have already said it in My word. Many people are running to and fro and here and there and seeking out voices, here and there, spiritual leaders, political leaders, influential leaders to get that one thing that they’re desperately seeking after, but I’ve already spoken it all. It’s already spoken forth in My word.
So be watchful, be very vigilant, for in these days many are running to and fro and they’re loosing focus of the Word, they’re loosing focus of the straight and narrow, they’re loosing focus of humility, they’re loosing focus of having a broken and contrite heart, they’re loosing focus of having no other God’s but Me. They’re loosing focus because they’re grappling, they’re running and searching, they want just one morsel that they can lay claim to. But I’ve already spoken the end from the beginning. I’ve spoken the end from the beginning, all they need is the word, in My Word, all they need is My spoken word and it will deliver them, and it will set them free.
For they’re looking for the miraculous, they’re looking for supernatural, but it’s already in Me. I Am the supernatural one, I am the Omniscient, Omnipresent, All-knowing, I am, I Am that I Am, all they need is Me. But be careful, for the adversary is roaming around, seeking whom he may devour and he is on the rampage for the Body of Christ to deceive if he could, many.
So church, keep your eyes focused, church, keep your eyes focused on Me and on My word. Walk humbly before Me. Everything that you’re seeking for is not in the here and the there and all that’s out there in the secular, it’s found in Me. So church, walk humbly before Me, walk humbly before Me today. And the miraculous and the signs and wonders will follow the preaching of My gospel. All you need to do is open up your mouth and speak it, speak My word, allow the Holy Spirit to use your body as a vessel, your mouth as a vessel, your hands as instruments of My power and My glory, says the Lord. Allow me, don’t try and think it through, just open up and be that vessel and let Me be glorified in all that you do, says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard - September 17th, 2023
Tithes and offerings are being withheld from Me, says the Lord, from My children who call themselves Christians, who are not concerned about My house, the building of My home, the building of My church but are more concerned about the building of their own homes, the purchasing of their own properties. I own everything, says the Lord. Is there nothing that I don’t own, says the Lord of Hosts? All I require of My children is to be obedient to My word. Be obedient children, give as you’re supposed to give, build My church, build My house. Oh and I’ll overtake you with all of your needs being supplied by My glory and riches.
When you boast about your purchases you boast in vain when you haven’t obeyed Me with your tithes and offerings. My word makes it very clear that you’re to honour Me with your tithes and offerings. All your boasting is vain. What you say belongs to you is in vain if you haven’t obeyed Me with your tithes and offerings. Once again, if you disobey Me by not honouring Me, your boasting is vain no matter how grand the purchase, no matter how great of a deal you got.
You say, I am so blessed of the Lord, so blessed of the Lord, this purchase is just so amazing, I am so blessed of the Lord. There is no blessing where there is disobedience to My word, says the Lord, there’s no blessing that follows your disobedience to not honour Me with your tithes and offerings. I call the Christians to do what is right and righteous, that is to obey My word. Do what is righteous, do what is right, obey My word, says the Lord. My blessings will overtake you, my blessings will overtake you; from the north, the south, the east and the west. They will overtake you as you’re obedient to tithe, obedient to give your offerings, obedience is better that sacrifice, greater than sacrifice. Obedience, obedience, obedience. Did I not say in My word that I would rebuke the devourer? For whose name sake? My name’s sake, I’ll watch over My word to perform it, says the Lord.
So honour Me with your tithes today, at all times, in every situation, wherever you prosper; honour the Lord with your tithes. Build My church, build My church, support My ministers, support the missionaries on the mission field. Did I not say in My word to give and it shall be given to you pressed down, shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom? But if you withhold, there is no pressed down, shaken together of men giving unto your bosom.Sensitive subject, mammon, sensitive subject, money, sensitive subject, sensitive subject today. The worship of money today, the worship of your money today over the worship of Me and your obedience is sin. Oh, yes, your properties are great, at least you think they’re great. Oh yes, they’re broad, they’re beautiful, they’re immaculate, but so are the feet of My ministers that obey My word, that preach My gospel. Their feet are as beautiful if not more beautiful than your homes, than all your education and all your cars, all your careers. They’re not as beautiful as the feet of those that preach the gospel, those who obey My word, those that you withhold your tithes and offerings from. Their feet are beautiful, their feet are beautiful, their feet are beautiful, I call them beautiful today.
Obey My word, says the Lord and you will be blessed to be part of the beauty of My ministers feet as they proclaim the gospel. You’ll be blessed because you’ve obeyed My word, the more sure word of prophecy today. Give and it shall be given unto you then, pressed down, shaken together shall men give unto your bosom. You’ll be blessed coming in and blessed going out, the blessings of My servant Abraham will overtake you.
How beautiful are the feet of those that preach My gospel, how beautiful the feet of those that preach My gospel, no matter how poor and persecuted they are, how struck down they look, how unsupported they seem, how beautiful are their feet because they preach and they obey to preach My gospel, they obey to build My church. How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful are their feet today, far more beautiful than any land, any land, any title, any position that the great could say that they hold on this earth. Their feet are beautiful today, far more beautiful. So do what's right today, Christian, do what’s right, do what’s right. Obey, obey, obey My word and I will bless you, I will bless you because you bless the ministers feet who are beautiful, who are beautiful, who are preaching the gospel.
Oh it looks like they’re not beautiful today, it looks like you’ve out-prospered them today, it looks like you have more in your bank accounts today, it looks like you have a greater career than them today, it looks like you have far greater opportunity than them today. I say this day, that their feet are more beautiful than any title you could hold, any position any place. Obey, obey, obey and you will be blessed, obey, obey, obey My word and you will be blessed.
Be not ashamed to preach the gospel today, your feet are beautiful in the eyes of the Lord, no matter what you’re facing, your feet are beautiful, no matter what else is going on, your feet are beautiful. Everywhere your feet go, the word of the Lord says He gives it to you. He gives you authority to trample on serpents and over all the powers of the devil. That’s how beautiful your feet are. Wherever your feet go you have the authority to trample on the devil. Struck, but not struck down.
2nd Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – September 17th, 2023
The feet of those who disobey My word by withholding tithes and offerings are not beautiful. They’re soiled, they’re dirty. No matter how much you cover them with great shoes, such expensive shoes and adorn them with jewelry, such expensive jewelry, toe rings, piercings, painting of nails, all that would be so beautiful and they smell so great, perfumed with the finest perfumes. But they’re not beautiful when you disobey My word. My ministers feet, My ministers feet are more beautiful only because of their obedience to My word to preach.
When you withhold, when you withhold and disobey My word and not build My church, look down at your feet, no matter how beautiful you say they are, they’re not beautiful today, not in My eyes, says the Lord. They will never be beautiful until you obey My word, to give tithes and offerings, your feet will always be a stench to Me, says the Lord. Your feet will always be ugly to Me, says the Lord. Not because of Me but because of disobedience to My word. Obey My word, cleanse yourself today, cleanse your own feet, obey Me today, obey Me, cleanse your feet with the washing of My word, by obeying My word, shod your feet with the gospel of peace by supporting the missionary, by supporting the pastor, by supporting the evangelist.
You want beautiful feet, obey My word says the Lord, obey My word. You want your feet not to smell, you say my feet don’t smell, your feet smell. You say I have the most expensive cologne on them today, your feet smell to Me when you disobey My word. Your feet are not beautiful when you disobey My word.
Beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel, those feet are beautiful. With or without your support, their feet are beautiful because they obey My word, they trample on the devil, they shod their feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, they protect the gospel, they protect their feet, they know how precious they are in My sight.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Marjorie – September 10th, 2023
I will be found by those who seek after Me. Even as My prophetess, Anna was in the temple for years and years, she was of great age, waiting for the redemption of Israel. Oh yes, there were many religious that were there, they said they were looking, but they weren’t really looking. She saw, she saw, when she saw Me, as a baby coming into the temple with Mary and Joseph, she saw Me, because she was waiting for Me. She wasn’t religiously practicing, she was waiting for Me. And so I will be found by those who wait for Me, in the secret place where no one else sees. Yes, there were those who did not understand what she was doing, how the redemption of Israel was at hand, but it was. She saw Me, she saw Me. So I will be found by those that are seeking after Me, night and day, in fastings and prayers, those that are diligently seeking after Me in heart and in attitude with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, I will reveal Myself to those. And even as Simon was promised by the Father that he would not see death until he saw the redemption of Israel. When he saw Me in the temple, before Anna, he says, now my eyes have beheld the salvation of the Lord, hallelujah. So I will be found by those that are seeking after Me, not by those that are being religious, those that are following like the Pharisees and the Sadducee making up their own doctrines, teaching of their own fleshly influences, but those that seek Me will find Me, regardless if they’re alone, if they’re standing alone, if they’re are but a few, I will reveal Myself to those that are seeking and waiting.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – September 10th, 2023
Woe unto the Christians that are at ease in Zion, so comfortable in your backslidden state, having rejected the fellowship of the saints. You say I have no need of nothing, I have everything, I have have no need of nothing, I have everything. Many Christians are not in any church today simply because of rebellion, rebellion to My word. My word is a more sure word of prophecy today, My Bible, My Holy Bible is a more sure word of prophecy. When Christians disobey My word and they forsake the assembling of themselves together, when they hate their brothers and sisters in the Lord, when they reject fellowship in the church, when they refuse to submit under pastoral leadership in their lives, they’re in rebellion, rebellion to My word. Oh, they congregate with me, myself and I, they congregate alone in their homes, oh, they get the word of God but they’re not getting it from My church fellowship. They’re not getting it from the church fellowship that they need, they’re not getting it from their brothers and sisters and those that are operating in the power of My Holy Spirit.There are those that are in rebellion today, that are congregating without pastors in leadership over them, rebellion, rebellion, oh they say, we study the word, we meet faithfully. At ease in Zion are you today. Your own rebellion, your own rebellion will flush you out of your comfort place. Your own rebellion to My word will pull the carpet right out from under you. You say, I’m not backslidden, I say you’re backslidden. You say we congregate, we meet faithfully but with no pastoral leadership, you’re in rebellion. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, look what happened to My servant Saul. Look what happened to My servant, King Saul. The very thing that he destroyed and was trying to destroy, he consulted with and it destroyed him. Woe unto you that are at ease in Zion, it’s not I that flushes you out today. It’s not I that flushes you and pulls the carpet from under you, it’s your own rebellion that flushes you out. It’s your own rebellion that pulls the carpet from out under you today. Your sin will find you out, says the Lord.
You say, I have need of nothing I have everything, no, you’re pitiful, you're poor, you’re blind, you’re naked, you’re in rebellion to My word, repent, repent, repent, repent. Turn to Me, stop forsaking the assembling of yourself together with the body of Christ, stop being independent, stop being rebellious to My word. My word is the more sure word of prophecy, it’s not about you’re comfort today, it’s about My word, says the Lord. I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I will build My church, with or without you, says the Lord. With or without you Christian – backslidden Christian. With or without you, repent, repent, repent. My arm is not slack as some count slackness, it’s not My will that anyone perish but all come to repentance. So repent of your stubborn will that’s keeping you out of fellowship with the saints. Repent, repent of it today, turn to Me, I’ll restore you, I hold the backslider in My bosom, but you have to turn, you have to turn this day. It’s not My will that anyone perish but that all come to repentance.
2ndProphecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard Great strength is coming to My church My body as a result of them repenting. Great strength is coming to My church body as a result of them repenting of their sins. You want to be strong in Me, says the Lord, repent. It says in My word, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. You want to be strong in Me, says the Lord, repent of everything that goes in rebellion against My word, repent. Receive My strength in you today, receive My restoration today, receive My life more abundantly in you today, receive My healing in your bodies, receive soundness of mind, receive peace, joy, joy unspeakable that’s full of My glory as you repent. Turn, turn, turn back to Me says the Lord. Give Me your whole heart, I won’t settle for half, I won’t settle for your donation of your life, says the Lord. I want it all. If any man wants to follow Me, he must take up his cross and die. So I want all your life, says the Lord, I just don’t want a portion of it I want every part of it. Devote yourself to Me, I will build you up, I will strengthen you, I will encourage you, I’ll walk with you, I’ll be at your right side and at your right hand, I will be speaking to you which way to go, to the left, to the right, straight ahead. I won’t leave you unguided, I’ll lead you down a straight and narrow road. Get off the broad and wide today. Repent of all rebellion, all the witchcraft all the sorcery that’s led you down a road of independent. Repent of it today, give your life to Me, 100%. I will settle for nothing less says the Lord.
Prophecy by Tongues and Interpretation by Pastor Richard – August 27th, 2023 (two prophecies)
I will strengthen My church, says the Lord, I will uphold it with My right hand, for I am seated at the right hand of My Father and I make intercession for them even as you are praying today. So fear not, church, I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I am the Good Shepherd says the Lord, I am the Good Shepherd, I am Good, I’m Good, I’m not evil, I am Good, says the Lord.
There is only One that is Righteous, and that’s My Father in heaven. (Psalm 11:7). There is none righteous but My Father in heaven. He is right at all times in every situation, He’s always right. There is only One that is Great, Great and worthy of praise, and that is My Father in heaven who I glorify this day, says the Lord. I am presently at His right hand, I’ve been there since I went to heaven, I’ve been praying, praying, praying, praying, interceding, interceding, interceding for My bride. I look forward to the marriage supper with My bride, I look forward to being at the marriage supper with My bride to be – the church.
So don’t be discouraged, don’t be down trodden, don’t be underfoot, but rather realize that the devil is under your foot today in a place of defeat because I defeated Him at the cross, he’s a defeated foe. I’m coming back soon, I’m not going to allow My church to go through the tribulation period, don’t believe that lie says the Lord, I would not subject you to that evil.
I’m a good Shepherd, My will for you is good not evil. Don’t believe the lies, don’t believe what the media is saying about Me and about My servants, those that are being persecuted those that are in prison, don’t believe the lies. It’s all fabricated to destroy My bride, it’s all fabricated to undermine Me as the Good Shepherd. I am good all the time, I’m coming back for a bride that’s spotless, says the Lord, not spotless in their own strength but in My Holy Spirit.
So be of good cheer today, stand up, hold your head up, for My redemption is drawing near. I’m coming back soon, sooner than you believe to think, I’m coming back soon, very, very soon to take My bride home. So be of good cheer, strengthen yourself in My word, continue to pray, wait on Me and watch Me watch over My word to perform it.
Another Prophecy by Pastor Richard
A great awakening is coming, I’m waking up My body, My children, My bride. I’m awakening them, a great awakening is coming. Outpourings of My Holy Spirit like you’ve never witnessed before. Great awakening coming, great awakening, great awakening, great growth for My church says the Lord. Great, great growth is coming to My church. What looks dead is about to spring up.
The plowmen are going to overtake the reapers, says the Lord, so continue to sow, the plowman is going to overtake you. Great salvation's will take place, salvation's, salvation's, salvation's, souls being saved in My name, says the Lord. Great, great, great church growth, unbelievable church growth, from the east, west, north and south, men and women will come to know Me and the power of My resurrection. They will be filled with My Holy Spirit, they will speak in tongues, they will prophecy, they will operate under the anointing with the gifts of My Holy Spirit and no one will be able to stop this movement. No one will be able to stop this awakening. So don’t be discouraged, don’t be dismayed, I am with you, says the Lord.
Prophecy by Marjorie – August 13th, 2023
You wonder why your adversary so hates your worship. You wonder why it’s so hard to press into worship. You wonder why he obstructs and he fights you to worship. You know why? Because he was in that position, he was in that position and he hates My children worshipping Me, he hates My children lifting up their voices out of their own will to worship Me, God Almighty from everlasting to everlasting, the One who made him. He hates the worship, he hates it and he will try and silence you at every stand, at every corner, at every turn and every time in your life, in the ups and in the downs, he will always try to silence your voice. He will try and shut your voice down so that your praises, your willful praises will not ascend to My throne, where I can hear you.
And when I hear your praises, I come down and I rattle the kingdom of darkness. I rattle the darkness, I rattle the gates of hell, I rattle his kingdom and he flees in terror at My name. He flees in terror when My children are worshipping Me, he flees in terror.
That’s why in worship you can hear Me so clearly, that’s why in worship My voice is resounding and everything makes sense, that’s why in worship you can hear My voice, you can hear it so clearly. Because of his pride and because of his arrogance he was cast down. He knows the power of worship, he knows the power of praise, he knows the power of exalting Me, but because of his pride and arrogance he was utterly thrown down, and forever he will be cast into the lake of fire and that is his final destination.
So rise up church, rise up church, rise up My children today and don’t be silent in your praise. Make yourself, will yourself to worship Me and I will hear your prayers, I will hear and I will route your enemies on every side, before you, behind you, on the right and on the left, I will go before you, above and beneath, I will rattle the kingdom of darkness, I will make a way where there is no way as you worship Me. I will make the mountains bow down and I will cause the valleys to rise up as you worship Me people, My saints, My children, My church. Don’t be silent in your worship today. Make it louder and louder in these days, make it louder, make it more powerful in these days because I am greater who lives in you than the adversary who is trying to shut your mouths to not worship Me. But worship Me, worship, worship Me, worship Me, worship Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – July 23rd, 2023So many have tried to shut up the voice of the prophet. The voice of the prophet can’t be shut up, it’s My voice says the Lord, speaking through My servants. They can’t but speak My word. As it was for My servant Jeremiah, it burned like a fire in his bones. As it is today for My believers, those that are filled with My Spirit, it’s as a fire within. They can’t help but speak what I speak through them. You can’t shut them off when they speak the word I give them. Oh, religious spirit, always trying to persecute the prophets. From the beginning of time until now, under My old covenant and under My new, nothing has changed. And especially, I haven’t changed says the Lord. I’m the same yesterday, today and forever – I don’t change. As you persecuted My prophets under the Old, oh religious leaders, you’ll do the same under the New. So much strategizing to shut up the voice of the prophet, so much false teaching, so much lying, lying spirits, lying to My people, lying to My children. I speak truth today, says the Lord. My word is truth, I watch over My word to perform it. And above all, I don’t contradict Myself. I don’t say one thing and do another. The religious spirit is under your feet today, Christian, the religious spirit is under your feet today. You will trample on that serpent; you will walk all over that serpent today and it will not harm you. So long as you stay on a straight and narrow road you will not be harmed. Religion has no place in you today, says the Lord, because of the power of My Holy Spirit that dwells in you. So be strong in Me today, be strong in the Lord, be strong in the power of My might, do great exploits in My name. Keep the religious spirit under your feet, stay on the straight and narrow. Don’t submit to it today, submit yourself unto God, resist the religious spirit and it will flee from you, in My name it will flee from you, in My name it will flee from you. Use My name, speak it with authority, speak My name because My name is above all names, because at the name of Jesus, every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess, that I am Lord to the glory of God the Father. Walk by faith today, not by sight, not by sight but by faith. Enter into your joy today, enter into My rest today. Though you are persecuted, you are still the head and not the tail, though you are persecuted you are above and not beneath, though you are persecuted you will be strong in Me and you will go out in peace and will return in joy, joy unspeakable that is full of My glory today. Don’t listen to the naysayers, don’t listen to the religious people who would try to discourage your walk with Me, don’t listen to them today, says the Lord. I am with you, I go before you today with My banner of victory, the victory, when I, I Jesus Christ defeated the devil on the cross when I rose from the dead, I defeated the devil. So, submit unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith, resist the devil today and he has to flee. Walk by faith today, not by sight, come out of fear, come out of fear, come out of fear and come into faith.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – July 9th, 2023So many Christians have been led by a religious spirit. They believe they’re being led by My Holy Spirit, but I don’t contradict Myself, I don’t contradict My Word, says the Lord. I don’t speak against My word, I’m not a double-minded God; My yes in My yes and My no is My no and My amen is My amen. So, choose this day who you’re going to serve; the religious spirit, are you going to be led by the religious demon or are you going to be led by My Holy Spirit? The religious spirit will keep you from My Holy Spirit, the religious spirit will keep you from being filled by My Holy Spirit, the religious spirit will keep you from My Gifts of My Holy Spirit, the religious spirit will keep you from the truth, the religious spirit will cause you to believe a lie and contradict My word, and speak against My word. What spirit are you being led by today, says the Lord? What spirit? Are you being led by My Holy Spirit or are you contradicting My Holy Spirit by living a lie, being led by a religious spirit? Oh, religion, oh religion, religious spirits, how they have entered My church and set themselves up in My pulpits. Where My Holy was preached, it has been removed, where My Holy Spirit once spoke in tongues, it no longer speaks in tongues. Where My Gifts of My Holy Spirit operated, they no longer operate because of the spirit of religion. It will cause you to believe a lie. It will cause you to contradict Me, says the Lord.
Prophecy by Marjorie – July 9th, 2023Believe Me when I say that there are more that are with you than those that are against you. Believe Me when I say there are more that are with you, that are for you than there are against you. My host of heaven, My creation, everything I Am, everything that I have made is Mine, is for you. And if I am for you, although the devil tries and he sets himself against you, he will not prosper. For I am for you, the Great I Am, I am for you, therefore if I am for you My child, though the devil throws the fiery darts, though he accuses you day and night before Me, though he does everything he can to dismantle and uproot and dislodge and tear you down; hear today I am saying I am for you and there are more that are for you than the adversaries that are against you. Don’t be discouraged, don’t be downhearted, keep your eyes lifted up to Me and I will restore, I will quicken you, My Spirit that lives inside of you will continue to give you power that you need to stand, the power you need not in your own ability but in the strength of My power and the strength of My mighty hand. For He is at work in you both to will and do according to My good purpose and My plan, says the Lord. I am for you, says the Lord, I am for you. Engrave that in the tablet of your heart, know that I am for you, says the Lord.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – June 25th , 2023When My servant Jehu cast Jezebel out of the window to her death, the end of a Queen, the end of a Queen, but not the end of the Jezebel spirit. It was the end of a Queen but not the end of the Jezebel spirit. You can’t deal with the Jezebel spirit in the flesh, you have to deal with in the Spirit, says the Lord, you have to stop it in its tracks in the Spirit, says the Lord. Your platforms, your social justice programs will not stop it. It may silence the individual, but the spirit will not be silenced, it will just go on to another vessel. Therefore, you have to silence it in the Spirit, you have to stop this spirit in the Spirit realm, you have to stop it, it’s a demon that needs to be stopped. That needs to be brought to a stop, that needs to be silenced. There are many pastors today that have become eunuchs, even as Jezebel’s eunuchs. Powerless, emasculated in the Spirit realm, the power of My Holy Spirit has been removed from your church, your churches are void of My power, you’ve allowed the Jezebel spirit to emasculate you. How long will you tolerate this spirit from operating in My church, says the Lord? How long will you continue to walk as emasculated eunuchs, pastors? Time to rise up in the name of Jesus and deal with this spirit and get My power in the church, says the Lord, get My power back in the church, says the Lord. Holy Ghost power, Holy Ghost power, Holy Ghost tongue talking power. Don’t let the Jezebel spirit emasculate you any more, rise up, rise up in the power of My Holy Spirit and take authority over this demon, and cast it out of your church, cast it out of your churches, no longer tolerated to rule and reign and tell you that you are under its power, that you are under its authority. Come out from under that devil, come out from under that demon. Rise up, speak My word, take authority over this demon, stop it, stop it from speaking, stop it from speaking, stop it from speaking, stop it from speaking lies. You speak My word which is truth and stop this devil in its tracks. Get the power back in My churches, get the Holy Ghost power back, submit yourself unto Me, resist the devil and will he will flee, resist this Jezebel demon and it will flee. Simple casting it out the window isn’t going to work, it didn’t work for Jezebel, did it? Shut her up temporarily but it didn’t work in the spirit. This same demon is still manifesting, it has to be stopped in the Spirit realm, stop trying to handle it in the flesh, handle it in the Spirit says the Lord, watch Me watch over My word to perform it.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by MarjorieFor this spirit will not only have men emasculated and have the power of the Holy Ghost thwarted and stymied, it will also seduce to lead to idolatry, lead to things to which churches would normally not have entertained years ago, but are now entertaining and teaching from the pulpit. It will get them into idolatry and into false religions and get them into social justice and social works and works, and works, and works of the flesh but it is void of My power, void of My Spirit. It will not only emasculate but will, like Jezebel, cause men to be worshiping other gods having other idols set up other than Me. My word says you shall have no other gods before Me, you shall worship the Lord thy God only and Him only shall you serve. Resist this demonic spirit, resist it in My Name, says the Lord. For rebellion against My word and what I have commanded, what I, I, I Almighty God have commanded, you shall have no other gods before Me. Oh yes, they’re even trying to emasculate Me, they’re even trying to emasculate Me. They’re taking He – Almighty God, they’re taking He out and making it a she and making Me an it. For don’t think you’re the only ones that are trying to be emasculated, they’re trying to emasculate Me; the Godhead, the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. They’re trying to emasculate Me, says the Lord, so don’t be surprised that it has come into the church. Why do churches start taking He out their hymnals and taking it out the Bibles – they’re emasculating Me. But I have the last word, the Lord God of Hosts, for I am masculine, I am, the Godhead is all masculine, it is all He, it is He the Father, it is He the Son and it is He the Holy Ghost and I will not be mocked and these that mock Me, will have their final time when they stand before me, says the Lord. Flee, flee this idolatry, flee this temptation, church. Flee, flee this temptation, pastors, flee this temptation leaders, fall on your face before Me and repent, repent, repent. Just like I told the church in Revelation to repent for they tolerated that woman Jezebel who was a real woman at that time and she was causing men and women to turn to immorality, not just sexual immorality but into idolatry. Resist this fowl devil and it will flee, and it will flee in the name of Jesus, in My name, the name that is above every name. Yes, you can see the churches that have adopted and embraced a Jezebel spirit whether they’ve wanted too or not. Those that are embracing the homosexual agenda, the transgender agenda, those who are embracing to not preach against sin, have embraced the Jezebel demon. They are embracing this demon, and that is why their churches are powerless, that is why you see them preaching acceptance from the pulpits of the homosexual agenda, the sexual perversion agenda, because they have embraced the demon spirit of Jezebel. There is nothing new, there is nothing new, there is nothing new, it has been from times of old, the devil has nothing new, all he can do is repeat the things of the past and in this generation this is what you’re seeing in the churches, this is what you’re seeing when you see them embracing and pampering the demon spirit of Jezebel, the homosexual the emasculation of men in the pulpit and you’re seeing women rise to power in the pulpits, in all positions of authority, then you know that they have embraced that demon that is emasculating men and emasculating My authority.
Prophecy by tongues and interpretation by Pastor Richard – June 18th, 2023I am your self-improvement says the Lord. I am the One who improves your life. You’ll not find self-improvement and you can’t improve yourself through the offerings of this world. All that it says that it can give you and edify you and build you up and improve you and better your life, don’t buy into that lie. I am the builder up of your life, I am the one who edifies you, says the Lord. I am the one who improves you in everything. Speaking in tongues edifies you, Christian. Speak in tongues, speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues will build you up, speaking in tongues will improve your life. Allow My Holy Spirit to build you up, to edify you. Don’t buy into the lies of the world, all of it’s promises are down-hill. All of it’s promises are down-hill. Build up yourself in the most holy faith by speaking in tongues. I am the Builder, I am the Edifier, I lift up My Name in you today, speak My Word, speak, fulfill My word, speak in tongues and you will be improved. Your life will be improved, self-improvement is from Me today, receive it, in Jesus Name, My name, the name that’s above all names. There is no other name that compares with My name, says the Lord, and at the name, My name, Jesus, every knee is going to bow, every tongue is going to confess that I am Lord to the glory of God the Father. What in this world can improve you more than that? There’s nothing in this world that can improve your life more than My name and speaking in tongues. Speak in tongues, when you’re going in and when you’re going out, speak in tongues, speak in tongues, speak in tongues. Let My Holy Spirit build you up today, speak in tongues, speak in tongues, speak in tongues. Be built up, be edified, be strengthened, be encouraged, be overcome by My Holy Spirit.
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