A Sanctuary for Saints and Sinners in Need of a Saviour. Luke 18:9-14
A Sanctuary for Saints and Sinners in Need of a Saviour. Luke 18:9-14
Pastor Richard has preached many Illustrated Messages and these interviews are a synopsis of these awesome message series.
This interview with Pastor Richard highlights messages 5-8 from The Azusa Street Papers Illustrated Message Series. The messages are entitled;
1. Dr. Jesus
2. The Prayer of Faith
3. Christian Watchwords – Love, Faith and Unity
4. Atoning Blood – Our Battlecry
This interview with Pastor Richard highlights the first four messages from The Azusa Street Papers Illustrated Message Series. The messages are entitled;
1. Religious Bullies & Underdog Christians
2. Self-Denial of Biblical Evidence
3. Bible Scripture Cherry Pickers
4. What Separates the Men from the Boys in the Pulpits? Holy Ghost Power
This 4th interview with Pastor Richard on The Screwtape Letters, is an Overview of the Illustrated Messages on:
Letter 10 - Unequally Yoked
Letter 11 - Joy Under Attack
Letter 12 - Backslidden?
This 3rd interview with Pastor Richard on The Screwtape Letters, is an Overview of the Illustrated Messages on:
Letter 7 - Patriots, Pacificists, and Conscientious Objectors of the Kingdom of Heaven?
Letter 8 - Lies About Trough (Low) Times
Letter 9 - Tempted in the Trough (Low) Times
This 2nd interview with Pastor Richard on The Screwtape Letters, is an Overview of the Illustrated Messages on:
Letter 4 - The Painful Subject of Prayer
Letter 5 - Megalomania, War and Sickness
Letter 6 - Faith or Fear
This interview with Pastor Richard on The Screwtape Letters, is an Overview of the Illustrated Messages on:
Letter 1 - Religion, Materialism & A Good Dose of Reality
Letter 2 - Churchiness or Church?
Letter 3 - Self-Denying Prayer
Check out This interview with Pastor Richard is based on the Illustrated Message Series entitled, "Visions of Heaven and Hell", a book written by John Bunyan. This interview focuses on heaven.
This interview with Pastor Richard is based on the Illustrated Message Series entitled, "Visions of Heaven and Hell", a book written by John Bunyan. This interview focuses on hell.
This is the finale of the Illustrated Message Series on, "The Life and Death of Mr. Badman". Pastor Richard joins Marjorie to give his thoughts on the final chapters of the book and this series.
Interview with Pastor Richard on Message Series; Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God was originally preached by Jonathan Edwards at Enfield, Connecticut in 1741. Pastor Richard brings it closer to home for the Christian by teaching from Galatians 5:19-21 where the Apostle Paul talks about the sins of the flesh that, if practiced willfully and continually by Christians, will deny them of the kingdom of God. It's a sobering word.
This is a short clip introducing the interview with Pastor Richard on 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.'
Interview with Pastor Richard on The Holy Spirit Power Series and The Celestial Railroad Series.
The Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a spin-off from John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress". It is an allegory depicting the radical distinction between "the broadness of contemporary Christianity", and "the narrowness of Biblical Christianity". The vast majority of Christian professors have abandoned the Bible's demanding lifestyle of the narrow way, which alone leads to eternal life. A socially fashionable brand of 'easy religion' now masquerades as Biblical Christianity.
This is the first video in a series from the Illustrated Message reviews of the book, "The Life and Death of Mr. Badman" by John Bunyan. You can also read the message reviews on our website, www.SalvationStudioHouse.com under the Illustrated Message tab. It's a fantastic book that will shine God's holy Word on your life in a very powerful and transforming way. We know you'll be blessed, Pastors Richard and Marjorie McCue...Blessings!
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