CARMAN THE CHAMPION - Paul Crouch Sr., Matthew Crouch - Feature Film: EFP Camera Operator and Editors Assistant for behind the scenes of, "The Making of Carman the Champion", this included promo spots.
MEGIDDO-OMEGA CODE2 - Paul Crouch Sr., Mathew Crouch - Feature Film: EFP Camera Operator and Editors Assistant for behind the scenes of, "The Making of Megiddo", this included promo spots.
OMEGA CODE - Paul Crouch Sr., Matthew Crouch - Feature Film: EFP Camera Operator for behind the scenes of, "The Making of The Omega Code", this included promo spots.
PEACEMAKERS - Rich and Robyn Wilkerson - 1/2 hr weekly show: EFP Camera Operator, Editors Assistant, Lighting and Grip.
KIDS AGAINST CRIME - Matthew Crouch - 1/2 hr weekly show: EFP & Studio Camera Operator, Grip and Lighting.
DREAM CENTER DOCUMENTARY - Tommy Barnett, Matthew Barnett - 1/2 hr weekly show: EFP Camera Operator, DP and Editors Assistant.
HARVEST FIRE - Bishop McClendon -1/2 hr weekly show: EFP Camera Operator, Lighting and Grip.
CELEBRATION OF VICTORY - Bishop Blake -1/2 hr weekly show: Lighting and Grip.
THE MISSIONARY POSITION - A Documentary on Mother Theresa – Studio Camera Operator
IN THE NAME OF SATAN –Bob Larson Ministries – Grip